Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Place to Bury Strangers - Exploding Head (320)

Year: 2009
Genre: Shoegaze
1. It Is Nothing
2. In Your Heart
3. Lost Feeling
4. Deadbeat
5. Keep Sliding Away
6. Ego Death
7. Smile When You Smile
8. Everything Always Goes Wrong
9. Exploding Head
10. I Lived My Life to Stand in the Shadow of Your Heart
A Place to Bury Strangers is Brooklyn based post-punk/shoegaze trio. Exploding Head is their seminal album. It's sound throws catchy, 80's inspired post-punk tunes at modern production. When I say modern I mean throwing fucking reverb on the entire mix and hoping it sounds good. In most cases they seem to pull this off quite well by keeping their songs enjoyable, yet slathered in noises.